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Plarium Play Launcher
Dev Onboard
5 reviews
53.5 k downloads

Enjoy all the games from Plarium on your PC

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Plarium Play Launcher is the official video game platform of Plarium, which lets you enjoy all its titles on Windows. We're talking about releases by the likes of Raid: Shadow Legends, Mech Arena: Robot Showdown, Vikings: War of Clans, Alliance: Heroes Of The Spire and even the entire Stormfall saga. All of them are available completely free of charge.

The Plarium Play Launcher client has a simple and elegant look that displays the entire catalog and lets you install all the games you want. From the side menu on the left, you can quickly access your game library, your friends list and your custom notifications. You can also take a look at the configuration options menu, where you can choose your language.

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One of the important aspects to take into account with Plarium Play Launcher is that it will allow you to synchronize your progress with the game you have on your smartphone. This way, you'll be able to continue any game you have on iOS or Android, directly on your computer. And what's better, you can benefit from all the advantages of playing on a modern PC screen, being able to see the games with a much higher resolution and definition.

Plarium Play Launcher is practically a must-have client for any fan of any Plarium titles, like Raid: Shadow Legends. Not only can you play more than a dozen games for free, but you can also do so with better visuals compared to the versions for iOS and Android.

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Information about Plarium Play Launcher

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Emulators
Language English
Author Plarium Global Ltd
Downloads 53,508
Date Jan 5, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

exe 8.7.0 Nov 17, 2023
exe 8.4.0 Apr 21, 2023
exe Mar 2, 2023
exe Oct 7, 2022
exe Dec 3, 2021
exe Nov 12, 2021
Available for other platforms

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5 reviews


fatsilverhorse78075 icon
3 months ago

11 years in the wave.

ventinojuno icon
8 months ago

I thought you could enjoy all the premium games

hotgreenduck32419 icon
in 2023

Just fun

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